السبت، 21 مارس 2009

List of Publications

1. Hussein, A.M.; Younis, M. E. and Mansour, F.A. (1978). Rubrominomycin, a new red antibiotic pigment produced by Streptomyces minoensis. Sixth Congress of Arab Pharmacist Union (Tunis, 27-30 Nov., 1978) pp. 76-88.

2. Hussein, A.M.; Younis, M.E. and Mansour, F.A. (1978). Xanthomoinmycin, an antibiotic produced by Streptomyces minoensis. Sixth Congress of Arab Pharmacist Union (Tunis, 27-30 Nov., 1978) pp. 89-102.

3. Hussein, A.M.; Younis, M.E. and Mansour, F.A. (1978). Biosynthetic requirements for xanthominomycin production. Sixth Congress of Arab Pharmacist Union (Tunis, 27-30 Nov., 1978) pp.103-117.

4. El-Dohlob, S.M. and Mansour, F.A. (1978). Soil fungi of-El-Aghwar area of Jordan. Mansoura Sci. Bull. 6: 68-78.

5. Shady M.A. and Mansour, F.A. (1978). A review; ecological and biochemical aspects of microbial life at high temperature. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ. 3: 153-181.

6. Naguib, M.I.; Mohamed, Z.K. and Mansour, F.A. (1978). Protease activity of Streptomyces antibioticus. Egypt. J. Bot., 21(1): 9-17.

7. Ibrahim, I.; Kamel, M.K. and Mansour, F.A. (1978). The antimicrobial effect relation to the presence of the nitro group. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 3 (1): 134-140.

8. Nagiub, M.I., Mansour, F.A. and Mohamed, Z.K. (1979). Effect of some herbicides on the growth and xanthominomycin production by Streptomyces minoensis. Soc. Applied Microbiology, Egypt (Ann. Meeting): 276-288.

9. Mansour, F. A. (1979). Streptomyces coeruleovinaceus, a new species of streptomyctes produces a new antifungal antibiotic " Vinaceomycin ". Egypt. J. Bot., 22(1), 1-12.

10. Mansour, F. A. and Shady, M. A. (1979). Preliminary observation on the antimicrobial activity of certain novel complexes of some transition metal halides with trimethylglycine. Egypt. J. Bot., 22 (2): 101-109.

11. Abd El-Wahed, A.A., Mansour, F.A. and Soliman, M.I. (1979). The effect of two antibiotic pigments on the anatomy of Vicia faba. Egypt. J. Bot. 22(3): 251-261.

12. Mansour, F.A. and Ibrahim, I.I. (1980). Studies on rhizosphere microflora of arid and salt marshes soil of Egypt. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ. 10 (1): 78-86.

13. Hussein, A.M.; Ragab, A.M., El-Gammal, A.A.; Mansour, F.A. Sami, E., Helmy, M. and Shehata, N. (1980). Taxonomy of grey-pigmmented Streptomyces spp. isolated from Egyptian soil. Egypt. J. Bot. 23 (1): 9-16.

14. Salama, A.M.; Mansour, F.A. and Mohamed, Z. K. (1980). Studies on blue-pigmented streptomycetes isolated from Egyptian soil. Egypt. J. Bot. 23 (2) 75-88.

15. Mansour, F.A.; Zahran, M.A. and Shady, M. A. (1980). Microbiological control of water-hyacinth in Egypt. Proc. 7 th. Ann. Conf. on Restoration and Creation of Wetlands. Tampa, Florida, USA pp. 195- 208.

16. Mansour, F. A.; Hussein, M.E. and Abd El-Wahab, K.S. (1981). The effect of xanthominomycin, a new antibiotic pigment produced by Streptomyces minoensis on Quaranfil virus and XTC- 2- Cells. Egypt. J. Bot. 24 (1): 21-30.

17. Mansour, F.A.; Abdel El-Wahed, A.A. and Soliman, M.I. (1982). The effect of two antibiotic pigments on the mitotic chromosomes of Vicia faba. Egypt. J. Bot. 25 (1-3): 83-90.

18. Mansour, F.A. and Gabr, M.A. (1982). Effect of xanthominomycin, a new antibiotic pigment produced by Streptomyces minoensis on phosphorus metabolism of Staphylococcus aureus. Proc. Egypt. Bot. Soc. 3 (Mansoura Conf.): 83-102.

19. Gabr, M.A. and Mansour, F.A. (1982). Studies on amylase production by some Streptomyces species from Egyptian soil. Proc. Egypt. Bot. Soc. 3 (Mansoura Conf.): 59-82.

20. Mansour, F.A.; Mostafa, M.A. and Sherif, A.A. (1982). Studies on the pathogenic and rhizospheric Fusarium species associated with tomato plants in Mansoura District. I. Identification of Fusarium species and investigation of their deteriorative potentialities. Egypt. J. Bot. 25 (1): 17-28.

21. Mansour, F.A.; Mostafa, M.A. and Sherif, A.A. (1983). Studies on the pathogenic and rhizospheric Fusarium species associated with tomato plants in Mansoura District. II. Seed germination and vigour responses of tomato plants to inoculations of soil with Fusarium isolates under different manurial treatments. Proc. 1st. Conf. Agric. Bot. Sci. Mansoura. pp. 1-16

22. Mansour, F.A.; Mostafa, M.A. and Sherif, A.A. (1983). Studies on the pathogenic and rhizospheric Fusarium species associated with tomato plants in Mansoura District. III Some aspects of host-parasite relationship. Proc. 1st. Conf. Agric. Bot. Sci. Mansoura. pp. 17-39

23. Masour, F.A and Sherif, A.A. (1983). Studies on the pathogenic and rhizospheric - Fusarium species associated with tomato plants in Mansoura District. IV. Characterization of the wilt-inducing agent produced by Fusarium solani. Proc.1st. Conf. Agric. Bot. Sci. Mansoura, pp. 40-63.
24. Zahran, M.A. and Mansour, F.A. (1983). On the ecology and control of the hydrophytes of the Damietta branch of the River Nile. Proc. Internat. Conf. Env. Haz. Agrochem. pp. 1101-1111.

25. El-Dohlob, S.M.; Mansour, F.A. and El-Fallal, A.A. (1984). High productivity of keratinolytic enzymes by Fusarium rigidusculum. Mansoura Sci. Bull. 11: 111-124.

26. Mansour, F.A.; Shady M.A. and Afify A.H (1984). Microbial dissolution of silicon and aluminium from primary minerals. Egypt. J. Bot. 27 (1-3): 1-11.

27. Mansour, F.A. and Shady, M. A. (1984). Factors influencing the activity and production of nitrate reductase enzyme by local isolate of Streptomyces. Egypt. J. Bot 27 (1-3): 105--117.

28. Mansour, F.A.; El-Esawy, A.A. and El-Sayed, S.A. (1985). Studies on the cellulolytic activities of some streptomycetes isolated from Egyptian soil. Proc. 2nd Conf. Agric. Bot..Sci., Mansoura, pp 119-142.

29. El-Dohlob, .M.; Mansour, F.A. and El-Fallal, A.A. (1985). Keratinophilic soil fungi of Damietta District Egypt. Proc. Egypt. Bot. Soc. (Ismailia Conf.) pp. 488-506

30. El-Dohlob, S.M.; Mansour, F.A. and El-Fallal, A.A. (1985). Succession and relative keratinolytic activity of keratinophilic soil fungi. Mansoura Sci Bull., 12 (1):117-128.

31. Mansour, F.A.; Gabr, M.A.; El-Esawy, A.A. and El-Sherbiny, S.A. (1985). On the blue pigment of some Streptomyces strains isolated from Egyptian soil. Egypt. Proc. Egypt. Bot. Soc. 4 (Ismailia Conf.) pp. 162-186.

32. Mansour, F.A.; Gabr, M.A.; El-Esawy, A.A. and El-Sherbiny, S. A. (1985). Studies on granaticin biosynthesis by Streptomyces violaceolatus. Egypt. Bot. Soc. 4 (Ismailia Conf.) pp. 134-161.

33. Mansour, F. A., El-Esawy, A.A. and Basuny, F.M. (1985). Studies on the nature and properties of the pigments produced by Streptomyces coerulatus. Proc. 2nd conf. Agric. Bot Sci. Mansoura, pp. 143-162.

34. Mansour, F.A. and Mashaly, I.A. (1985). Studies on the relationship between the biological activities of Streptomycetes and their occurrence and distribution in Egyptian Soil. Beitrage Biol. Pflanzen, 66: 353-365.

35. Mansour, F.A and Mashaly, I.A. (1986). Studies on the ecology of actinomycetes in desert and salt marshes of Egypt. Mansoura Sci. Bull. 11 (1): 275-294.

36. Mansour, F.A. and El-Esawy, A.A. and Basuny, F.M. (1986). On the pigments of Streptommcetes. Mansoura Sci. Bull. 13 (1): 251-274.

37. Gabr, M.A.; Mansour, F.A. and Mohamed G. (1986/ 87). Effect of carbon source on metabolic changes and enzymatic activities of two Streptomyces species. Egypt. J. Bot. 29/30 (1-3): 139-149.

38. Gabr M.A.; Mansour, F.A. and Mohamed G. (1986 /87). Effect of nitrogen source on metabolic changes and enzymatic activities of two Streptomyces species. Egypt. J. Bot. 29/30 (1-33: 151-160.

39. Mansour, F.A.; Abo-Hamed, S.A. and Aldesuquy, H.S. (1987). Comparative effects of sodium salicylat, alar, asulam and kinetin on pigments content of developing wheat leaves. Manssura Sci. Bull. 4 (1): 207-223..

40. Gabr M.A.; Mansour, F.A.; El-Esawy A.A. and El-Sherbiny, S.A. (1987). Further studies on granaticin biosynthesis by Streptomyces violaceolatus. Bull. Sohag Fac. Sci. Sohag, Egypt. 55 31-42.

41. Abo-Hamed, S.A.; Mansour F.A. and Aldesuquy, H.S. (1987). Yield and yield attributes of wheat as affected by sodium salicylate, alar, kinetin and asulam. Ibid. 267-277.

42. Mansour, F.A. (1988). Studies on the proteolytic enzymes of some actinomycetes. Proc. 2nd Conf. Agric. Bot. Sci. Mansoura, pp 163-193.

43. Abo-Hamed, S.A.; Mansour, F.A. and Aldesuquy, H.S. (1988). Shoot growth and morphological characteristics of wheat as influenced by sodium salicylate, alar, kinetin and asulam. Mansoura Sci. Bull. 11 (2): 203-221.

44. Gabr, M.A.; Mansour, F.A. and Mohamed, G. (1988). Some metabolic changes in Streptomyces olivaceus and Streptomyces parvulus with amylase and protease production as affected by nutrient requirements. III. Effect of inorganic phosphorus content. Egypt. J. Microbiol. 22 (2): 273-384.

45. Gabr, M.A.; Mansour, F.A. and Mohamed, G.G. (1988). Some metabolic changes in Streptomyces olivaceus and Streptomyces parvulus with amylase and protease production as affected by nutrient requirements IV. Effect of micronutrients. Egypt. J. Microbiol. 23 (2): 549- 62.

46. Mansour, F.A., Abo-Hamed, S.A. and Aldesuquy, H.S. (1988). Regulation of carbohydrate metabolism in wheat plant by sodium salicylate, alar, asulam and kinetin. Mansoura Sci. Bull. 15 (1): 335-362.

47. Mansour, F.A.; Abo-Hamed, S.A. and Aldesuquy, H.S. (1988). Effect of sodium salicylate, alar, asullm and kinetin on leaf anatomy of wheat (Triticum aestivum vulgare L.). Mansoura Sci. Bull. 15 1): 363-384.

48. Mansour, F A., Sweha, H., Shaaban-Dessouki, S. A. and Mohamadin, A. H. (1988). Studies on the antiviral activity of some bacterial isolates belonging to streptomycetes. Egypt. J. Bot. 31 (1- 3)::167- 183.

49. Mansour, F.A., Badawi, A. M and Nemat-Allah, M. M. (1988). Effect of certain herbicides one pigment biosynthesis in maize and soybean seedlings. Mansoura Sci. Bull. 16 : 471- 488.

50. Mansour, F.A., and Mansy, S.E. (1989). Toxicity and antitumer activity of three novel antibiotics in relation to their effects on protein, DNA and RNA synthesis. Egypt J. Microbiol. 24 (2): 235-246.

51. Mansour F. A., Badawi, A. M. and Nemat-Allah, M. M. (1989). Responses of nitrogenous constituents in maize and soybean seedlings to treatment with some herbicides. Mansoura Sci. Bull. 16 (2): 165--183.

52. Badawi, A. M., Mansour, F. A. and Nemat-Allah, M.M. (1990). Effect of certain herbicides on growth and carbohydrates content in maize and soybean seedlings. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ. 155 (7): 114- 125.

53. Mansour, F. A., and El-Sayed, E.S. (1990). On the occurrence and distribution of bacteria belonging to streptommcetes in Egyptian soil. Egypt. Bot. 33 (2): 105-122.

54. Scarponi, L., Mansour, F.A., and Nemat-Allah, M.M. (1991). Effect of alachlor on some biochemical and physiological activities of maize and soybean. I. Detoxification and stress status. Agrochimica, 35: 91- 100.

55. Mansour, F.A., Nemat-Allah, M. M., and Scarponi, L. (1991). Effect of alachlor on some biochemical and physiological activities of maize and soybean. II. Interference with growth pigmentation, amino levuliate-dehydratase and phospho-monoestrase activities. Agrochimica 35: 101- 110.

56. Mansour, F.A., El-Sayed, E.S.A., Ismail, A. and Enan, G. (1992). Biological characteristics and taxonomy of bacteria belonging to the genus Streptomyces. I. Streptommcetes with grey coloured aerial mycelium. Egypt J. Microbiol., 27 (1): 27-45.

57. Mansour, F. A., El-Sayed El-S. A.; Ismail, A. and Enan, G. (1992). Biological characteristics and taxonomy of bacteria belonging to the genus Streptomyces. II. Streptomycetes with yellow-coloured aerial mycelium. Egypt. J. Microbial. 27 (1): 47-62.

58. El-Sayed, E.S.A., Mansour, F A., Ismail, A. and Enan, G. (1992). Biological characteristics and taxonomy of bacteria belonging to the genus Streptomyces. III. Streptomycetes with green and blue-coloured aerial mycelium. Egypt. J. Microbiol., 27 (22): 40-57.

59. El-Sayed, E.S.A., Mansour F. A., Ismail, A. and Enan, G. (1992). Biological characteristics and taxonomy of bacteria belonging to the genus Streptomyces. IV. Streptomycetes with white-coloured aerial mycelium. Egypt. J. Microbiol., 27 (2): 58-77.

60. Sherif, A. A., Abd El-Naby, M. A., Mansour, F. A. and El-Sawah, H A. (1992). On the Egyptian Mashrooms. Pakistan J. Biochem. 45 (1): 32-42

61. Abo-Hamed, S.A., Mansour, F.A. and Aldesuquy H.S. (1992). Changes in biomass gain, protein content and hormonal levels in wheat kernels in response to soil drench. Qatar Univ. Sci. J. 12: 101-104

62. Abo-Hamed, S.A., Mansour, F.A. and Aldesuquy H.S. (1993). Growth and protein content of wheat kernels treated with three growth regulators Qatar Univ. Sci. J. 13 (1): 53-56.

63. Soliman, A.I, Shaaban-Dessouki, S.A., Mansour, F.A. and Hussein, M.H. (1993). Effect of butachlor on growth, pigmentation and nitrogen fixation by Nostoc kihlmani and Anabaena oscillarioides. Phykos, 32, (1-2), pp. 85-93.

64. Shaaban-Dessouki, S.A., Soliman, A.I., Hussein, M.H. and Mansour, F.A (1993). Reactions of Nostoc kihlmani and Anabaena oscillarioides to oxadiazon (Ronstar) and Thiobencarb (Saturn). Mansoura Sci. Bull. 20 (1): 174-194.

65. Soliman, A.I., Shaaban-Dessouki, S.A., Mansour, F.A., and Hussein, M.H. (1994). Physiological effects of rice-field herbicides: butachlor, oxadiazon and thiobencarb on Nostoc kihlmani and Anabaena oscillarioides. III- Comperative effect on photosynthesis respiration and net production rate. Bull. Fac. Sci., Mansoura University, 21, 1. pp: 55-71.

66. Mansour, F.A., Scarponi, L. and Nemat-Allah, M. M. (1994). Comparative effects of alachlor, metolachlor, atrazine, flometuron and trrfluralin on the endogenous phytohormones in maize and soybean. Agrochimica. 38 (1-2): 118-131.

67. Badawy, A.M.; Mansour, F.A., Scarponi, L. and Nemat-Allah, M.M. (1994a). Changes in Delta aminolevulinate Dehydratase (ALA-D), Phosphomono Estrase (PM-ase) and Protein contents in response to treatment of maize and soybean with cotoran , treflan and gesaprim. J.Agric.Sc. Mansoura Univ., 19(9): 2829-2838.

68. Badawy, A.M.; Mansour, F.A., Scarponi, L. and Nemat-Allah, M.M. (1994b). Role of Glutathione-S- Transferase (GST) in the Detoxification of Cotoran, Treflan, and Gesaprim by Maize and Soybean plants. J.Agric.Sc. Mansoura Univ., 19(9): 2839-2847.

69. Mansour, F.A., Badawy, A.M.; Scarponi, L. and Nemat-Allah, M.M. (1994a). Effect of Cotoran, Treflan and Gesaprim on Phenylalanine Ammonia Lyase and Tyrosine Ammonia Lyase Activities in Maize and Soybean plants. J. Agric.Sc. Mansoura Univ., 19(9): 2849-2858.

70. Mansour, F.A., Badawy, A.M.; Scarponi, L. and Nemat-Allah, M.M. (1994b). Effect of Metolachlor on protein content, Phenylalanine Ammonia Lyase, Tyrosine Ammonia Lyase, and Glutathione -S- Transferase Activities in Maize and Soybean plants.J. Environmental Sci., 9: 169-185.

71. Mansour, F.A.; Aldesuquy, H.S. and Hamedo, H.A. (1994). Studies on plant growth regulators and enzyme production by some bacteria. Qatar Univ. Sc. J., 14 (2): 281-288.

72. Mansour, F.A., El-Shahaby, O.A., Mostafa, H.A.M., Gabr, A.M. and Ramadan, A.A. (1994). Effect of benzyl adenine on growth, pigments and productivity of soybean plants. Egypt. J. Physiol. Sci. 18 No. 2, pp. 345-364.

73. Mansour, F.A., El-Sayed, S.A., El, El Moughith, A.A. and El-Sherbiny, S.A. (1995). Caeseorhodomycin, a new antibiotic produced by a bacterial strain isolated from Egyptian soil. Egypt. J.Microbiol. 32 (1): 69-81.

74. Soliman, A.I., Shaaban-Dessouki, S.A., Mansour, F.A., and Hussein, M.H. (1995). Physiological effects of rice-field herbicides: butachlor, oxadiazon and thiobencarb on Nostoc kihlmani and Anabaena oscillarioides. IV- Response of cellular phosphorus content malate-dehydrogenase activity to herbicide treatment. J. Environ. Sci., Mansoura University, 8, pp: 121-132.

75. Mansour, F.A., Soliman, A.I.; Shaaban-Dessouki, S.A. and Hussein, M.H. (1995). Effects of herbicides on cyanobacteria . I- Changes in carbohydrates content, PM-ase and GOT activities in Nostoc kihlmani and Anabaena oscillarioides. Phykos, 33, (1-2) pp: 153-162.

76. El-Sayed, S.A. Mansour, F.A., El, El Moughith, A.A. and El-Sherbiny, S.A. (1995). Caeseorhodomycin production in relation to certain carbon, nitrogen and phosphate sources by Streptomyces caesius var Egyptiaca. Egypt. J.Microbiol. 32 (2) : 281-293.

77. Mansour, F.A., El-Fallal, A.A.; and El-Shirbiny, S.A. (1995) Effect of gypsum application on the soil properties and bacteriological activities in the Deltaic Mediterranean Coast, Egypt. The First Internat. Sc. Conf. Cairo, 20-23 March 1995, pp 573-583.

78. Mansour, F.A., Badawy, A.M., Scarponi, L. and Nemat-Allah, M.M. (1996). Effect of Fluometron, Trifurrlin and Metolachlor on phenylalnine ammonia lyase and tirosine ammonia lyase and their interaction on pigmentation in maize and soybean plants Agrochimica, 40 (1-2): 85-96.

79. Mansour, F.A.; El-Shirbiny, S.A. and El-Metwally, N.A. (1996a). Demethyltetracycline biosynthesis by Streptomyces aureofaciens sub-sp. viridulans as influenced by medium composition. Egypt. J. Microbiol. 31(2): 221-235.

80. Mansour, F.A., El-Shirbiny, S.A. and El-Metwally, N.A. (1996b). Biosynthesis of Demethyl-tetracycline by a strain of Streptomyces. Egypt. J. Microbiol. 31(2): 237-255.

81. Mansour, F.A.; El-Sayed, E.S.A.; El Moughith, A.A. and El-Sherbiny, S.A. (1997). Caeseorhodomycin, a new antibiotic produced by a bacterial strain isolated from Egyptian soil. Egypt. J.Microbiol. 32 (1): 69-81

82. El-Sayed, S.A. Mansour, F.A., El, El Moughith, A.A. and El-Sherbiny, S.A. (1997). Caeseorhodomycin production in relation to certain carbon, nitrogen and phosphate sources by Streptomyces caesius var Egyptiaca. Egypt. J. Microbiol. 32 (2): 281-293.

83. Mansour, F.A.; Nour El-Dein, M.M., El-Fallal, A.A.; and Abou-Dobara , M.I. (1998). Purification and general properties of uricase from Streptomyces aureomonopodiales. Acta Microbiol. Polonica, 45 (1): 045-053

84. Mohamedin, A.H. and Mansour, F.A. (1998). The production of lytic enzymes by some thallobacteria. Sixth Egypt. Bot. Conf. Cairo Univ. Nov. 24-26, 1998, Vol. II: 357-376.

85. Mansour, F.A.; El-Fallal, A.A.; Nour El-Dein, M., M.M. and Abou-Dobara, M.I. (1998). Some factors affecting uricase production by Bacillus megaterium and Streptomyces aureomonopodiales. Egypt. J. Bot., 38, 3: 119-129.

86. Mansoura, F.A., Nour El-Dein, M., M, M; El-Fallal, A.A., and Abou Dobara , M.I. (1998). Purification and general properties of uricase from Streptomyces aureomonopodiales.. Acta Microbiol. Polonica, 45 (1): 045-053.

87. Aldesuquy, H.S., Mansour, F.A.; and Abo-Hamed, S.A. (1998). Effect of the culture filtrates of Streptomyces on growth and productivity of wheat plants. Folia Microbiol. 43 (5): 465-470.

88. Mohamedin, A.H. and Mansour, F.A. (1998). The production of lytic enzymes by some thallobacteria. Sixth Egypt. Bot. Conf. Cairo Uni. Nov. 24-26, 1998, Vol. II: 357-376.

89. Abdel Hameed, A.A.; Farag, S.A.; El-Abagy, M.M. and Mansour, F.A. (1998). Airborne Gram-negative Bacteria in Air at three occuptional sites in greater Cairo. Egypt. J. Microbiol. 34, No, pp.583-594.

90. Abdel Hameed, A.; Farag, S.A.; El-Abagy, M.M. and Mansour, F.A. (1998). Effect of ambient nitrogen Dioxide on the survival of airborne microorganisms. Bull. NRC, Egypt No 4 pp. 471-482.

91. Aldesuquy, H.S; Mansour, F.A. and Abo-Hamed, S.A. (1998). Effect of the culture filtrates of Streptomyces on growth and productivity of wheat plants. Folia Microbiol. 43 (5): 465-470.

92. Mansour, F.A. and Mohamedin, A.H. (1999). Candida albicans cell-wall lytic enzyme produced by Streptomyces thermodiastaticus. Sixth Conf. Biol. Arab Union. Cairo Univ. Nov. 8-11, 1999.

93. Mohamedin, A.H. and Mansour, F.A. (1999). Purification and some properties of the Candida albicans-cell wall lytic enzyme from Streptomyces thermodiastaticus. Sixth Conf. Biol. Arab Union. Cairo Univ. Nov. 8-11, 1999

94. Mansour, F.A.; El-Fallal A.A.; Nour El-Dien, M.M. and Abou- Dobara, M.M. (1999). Some Factors affecting uricase production by Bacillus megaterium and Streptomyces aureomonopodiales Egypt. J.Microbiol. 34,No 3, pp. 403-41

95. Mansour, F.A.; El-Fallal, A.A.; Nour Ewl-Dein, M.M. and Aabou-Dobara, M.M. (2000) Distribution and abundance of uricase-producing bacteria in Damietta soils. Egypt. . J. Microbiol. 35, No.1, pp 59-71.

96. Mansour, F.A. and Mohamedin, A.H. (1999). Candida albicans cell-wall lytic enzyme produced by Streptomyces thermodiastaticus. Sixth Conf. Biol. Arab Union. Cairo Univ. Nov. 8-11, 1999.

97. Mohamedin, A.H. and Mansour, F.A. (1999). Purification and some properties of the Candida albicans-cell wall lytic enzyme from Streptomyces thermodiastaticus. Sixth Conf. Biol. Arab Union. Cairo Univ. Nov. 8-11, 1999.

98. El-Masry, H.G.; Mansour, F.A. and Abdul-Aziz, M.S. (2000). Environmental factors affecting urease production by Penicillium funiculosum 258. Egypt. J. Microbiol. 35, No. 2: 211-223.

99. Mansour, F.A.; Mohamedin, A., H. and Fouda, M.A. (2002). Bacteriological studies on the causative agent of human peptic ulcer. Bull. Fac. Sci. Assiut Univ., 31 (1-D) pp 155-166.

100. Abdel Hameed, A.A.; El-Abagy, M.M.; Mansour, F.A. and Farag, S.A. (2002). Bio-contamination of air at a sloughter house in Cairo. Egypt J. Microbiol. 37, No. 1, p.p. 43-55.

101. Mansour, F.A.; Shereif A.A.; Nour El-Dein M.M. and Abou-Dobara (2003). Purification and characterization of xylanase from athemophilic Streptomyces sp. K37. Acta Microbiol. Pol. 52(2): 159-172.

102. Moussa, L.A.A.; Mansour, F.A., Serag, M.S. and Abou El-Nour, S.A.M.(2003). Effect of gamma irradiation on the morphological characteristics of some pigmented streptomycetes isolated from Egyptian soils. Isotope & Rad. Res., 35, 1: 159-177.
103. Mohamedin, A.H.; Mansour, F.A. and Fouda, M.A. (2004). Prevalence of Hlicobacter pylori in Patients with gastroduodenal diseases. Bull.Fac. Sci. Assiut Univ. 33 (1-D) p.p.103-114.

104. Moussa, L.A.A.; Mansour, F.A., Serag, M.S. and Abou El-Nour,S.A.M.(2004). Antimicrobial activity and morphological changes of Streptomyces albaduncus, Streptomyces erythrogresius as affected by environmental conditions and gamma radiation. Isotope & Rad. Res., 36, 1 : 55-78.

105. Moussa, L.A.A.; Mansour, F.A. , Serag,M.S. and Abou El-Nour, SA.M.(2005). Effect of gamma radiation on the physiological properties and genetic materials of Streptomyces albaduncus and S. erythrogresius. International J. Agric. &Biol. Vol. 7 No.2: 197-202.

106. Ismail, A.; Abou-Doubara, M.I., Mansour, F.A. and Zaky, M.M. (2005). Isolation and Identification of Yersenia species from water and fishes of Manzala Lake, Egypt. N. Egypt. J. Microbiol. Vol. 12: 147 – 154.

107. Hessemann, J.; Ismail, A.; Abou-Dobara, M.I., Mansour, F.A. and Zaky, M.M. (2005). Attenuation of virulence genes of pathogenic Yersinia pseudotuberculosis using transposon mutagensis. N. Egypt. J. Microbiol. Vol. 12: 496 – 506.

108. Abou-Dobara, M.I.; Ismail A., Mansour, F.A.; Zaky, M.M.; Rakin, A. and Hessemann, J. (2005). Investigation of virulence genes in Yersinia enterocolitica O: 8 using subtractive hybridization. Egypt. J. Biotechnol. Vol. 21: 143 – 155.

109. Mansour, F.A.; Ismail, A.; Abou-Dobara, M.I. and Zaky, M.M. (2006). Studies on bacterial pollution in Lake Manzala. Arab Univ. J. Agric. Sci. 14, 1: 105 – 119.

110. Mansour, F.A. and Abou-Dobara, M.I. (2006). The xylanolytic activities of two thermophilic Streptomycetes, namely: Streptomyces thermovulgaris MD25 and Streptomyces thermodiastaticus MD30. El-Minia Sci. Bulletin, Vol. 17, 1: 108-131.

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